Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beth and I a year later. Silliness lives on.

Beth moved to Kansas about the same time I moved into the Peer Support and Wellness Center. We both moved into 444 street addresses! So then a year later, I moved out of the Center and she came to visit me from Kansas for the first time. I had just moved into my new apartment 10 days before, and she helped me with decorating. This is how far behind I've gotten with editing videos! This video is me and Beth attempting to decorate my apartment, but mostly we're goofing off.

I also have footage of me and Beth in DC last April and Beth's visit last week. So stay tuned for more Beth Filson!

1 comment:

b said...

It is sooooo good to sit in my Wichitonian-style kitchen with Beautiful Joe on my shoulder (who by the way whistled non-stop through your video) laughing. What a gift, Jayme. YOU are the gift!
(in a white t-shirt)